Monday, January 26, 2009

Training Camp '09

Every winter the Euro-pro packs up his bicleta and treks to sunnier climes, usually along the Mediterranean coastline, in order to develop his all-important training-tan, stock up on black-market sherpa blood, and lay the foundation for a long, successful season. Fortunately, Team Wooly Mammoth resides in Central Texas, where cruel Lady Winter fears to tread, and rain is as foreign as a pair of downtube shifters in the peleton; so we don't have to travel nearly as far.

Loading up in the team RV provided by primary sponsor, Castle Hill Specialized Fitness, TWM traveled to a secluded cliff-side lodge for an extended weekend of riding, photo-shoots, and team-building arts and crafts exercises. As one rider accurately put it, "What happens at training camp, stays at training camp," so no specific details can be disclosed, but a couple of photos of the team in stunning new racing kits have been released by the team press agent.

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